ETIAS: Everything You Need to Know About the New European Visa

Updated October 30, 2023

Starting in 2025, some 1.4 billion people from over 60 visa-exempt countries like the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, will need to have a travel authorization to enter most European countries. This authorization is called ETIAS, which stands for European Travel Information and Authorization System.

What does ETIAS do?

ETIAS is a quick and easy way to check if you are eligible to travel to Europe. It will collect basic information about you, such as your name, passport number, and travel history. This information will be used to assess whether you pose a security risk.

ETIAS will not replace visas. Visa-required travelers will still need to apply for a visa before traveling to Europe.

How do I apply for ETIAS?

You can apply for ETIAS online through the official website or through the ETIAS mobile app. The application fee is €7.

Important: Since your ETIAS is linked to your passport, make sure when you apply, all the information such as your name, passport number, etc all matches. If there’s a discrepancy with this information, you may not be allowed to board your flight.

How long does it take to get ETIAS?

Most applications are processed within minutes. However, it is possible that your application may take longer to process. If so, you will receive a decision within four days.

Once approved, your ETIAS travel authorization is valid for three years, or until your passport expires, whichever comes first. Be sure to double check both documents ahead of your future trips.

What do I need to do when I arrive at the border?

When you arrive at the border, you will need to show your passport and your ETIAS authorization. The border guard will check your information and verify that you are allowed to enter the country.

Tips for applying for ETIAS

  • Apply for ETIAS well in advance of your trip.

  • Make sure your passport details match the information in your ETIAS authorization.

  • Check the validity of your ETIAS authorization.

  • Make sure your passport is valid for at least three months after your intended departure from Europe. This is super important. You will not be able to board your departure flight if your passport expires sooner than three months before your return flight.

  • You can apply for ETIAS multiple times, but you will only be charged once.

In Short…

ETIAS is a new travel authorization that will be required for some 1.4 billion people from over 60 visa-exempt countries who want to travel to Europe. The application process is quick and easy, and most applications are processed within minutes. However, it is important to apply for ETIAS well in advance of your trip and to make sure that your passport details match the information in your ETIAS authorization.


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